Sunday, October 5, 2014

Water Babes

VNHIP staff are very aware of the need to incorporate exercise into our daily lives. Not only do they educate the community regarding health and nutrition , they “walk the talk “ in their own lives. Two of our staff members have been attending swimming lessons twice weekly at the local pool under the guidance of Swim Vietnam. 
Many Vietnamese are afraid of the water and unable to swim or even float. Only recently the staff were witness to one of our own team members ,who is unable to swim , in a swimming pool with no idea that the depth of the pool changes from shallow to deep. Whilst all those present were happily splashing and chatting she had moved away to the deep end of the pool and went quickly and quietly under water, unable to get herself to the surface. Thankfully she was rescued and survived to tell the tale. 
We are very proud of our young ladies who are facing their fears in the water whilst enjoying  a solid hour of exercise as well. 

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